Pull requests

# Title Repository URL Creation date Status
26 Implement code sharing by another user via a link Hexlet/hexlet-editor https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-editor/issues/134 06.10.2022 Open
27 Implement screen sharing hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/5 18.10.2022 Closed
28 Implement screen sharing and collaborative code editing hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/3 18.10.2022 Open
29 Logging in and registration doesn't work hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/55 11.11.2022 Closed
30 Make adaptive landing hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/48 10.11.2022 Closed
31 Make a landing Hexlet/hexlet-editor https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-editor/issues/90 29.08.2022 Closed
32 Make a unified style in the project hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/49 10.11.2022 Closed
33 Make it so that when you create a new snippet, the name line should have the name already generated, which can be changed. hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/26 02.11.2022 Closed
34 Make landing Hexlet/hexlet-correction https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-correction/issues/111 22.09.2022 Open
35 Make redirections hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/7 18.10.2022 Closed
36 Make "sign in" page Hexlet/hexlet-editor https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-editor/issues/63 15.08.2022 Closed
37 Make "sign up" page Hexlet/hexlet-editor https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-editor/issues/64 15.08.2022 Closed
38 Make the about page Hexlet/hexlet-editor https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-editor/issues/62 15.08.2022 Closed
39 New task for MVP hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/22 02.11.2022 Closed
40 On the jobs page, you need to fix the styles Hexlet/hexlet-cv https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-cv/issues/418 20.12.2022 Closed
41 Personal Cabinet hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/4 18.10.2022 Closed
42 Redoing the landing hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/6 18.10.2022 Closed
43 Remove limit in the recommendation section Hexlet/hexlet-cv https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-cv/issues/369 06.10.2022 Closed
44 Replace tag on landing hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/40 09.11.2022 Closed
45 Setting up notifications with Hexlet CV Hexlet/hexlet-cv https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-cv/issues/355 17.08.2022 Closed
46 Set up a job posting in Slack and Telegram Hexlet/hexlet-cv https://github.com/Hexlet/hexlet-cv/issues/376 13.10.2022 Closed
47 Snippet generation hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/2 18.10.2022 Closed
48 Upload file to the root of the site hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/41 09.11.2022 Closed
49 We need to add a snippet design for insertion on websites and presentations. The snippet consists of a field with the source code, a field with the return value and stdout output. hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/9 18.10.2022 Closed
50 We need to change the routing of the viewer and the editing of the snippet to this structure https://runit.hexlet.ru/users/{login}/snippets/{slug} hexlet-rus/runit https://github.com/Hexlet/runit/issues/24 02.11.2022 Closed