Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
9101 Rework some tests Hexlet/hexlet-interview jougene 04.10.2019 Merged
9102 Rewrite basics module hexlet-basics/exercises-clojure solar05 18.01.2023 Merged
9103 rewrite Bootstrap Guide Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io Psixodelik 02.02.2021 Merged
9104 Rewrite composite action to node js action Hexlet/project-action PlugIN73 26.11.2020 Merged
9105 rewrite dns guide intro Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io Psixodelik 13.09.2020 Merged
9106 Rewrite examples for boolean exercise hexlet-basics/exercises-elixir solar05 02.10.2023 Merged
9107 Rewrite from createReducer to createSlice in chat.js. hexlet-codebattle/codebattle x0xl0ma 10.05.2020 Merged
9108 Rewrite GameList from class to function hexlet-codebattle/codebattle x0xl0ma 15.05.2020 Closed
9109 Rewrite hashes module hexlet-basics/exercises-clojure solar05 16.01.2023 Merged
9110 Rewrite "Hello world" hexlet-basics/exercises-ruby Morozzzko 10.03.2019 Merged
9111 rewrite intro in dns guides Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io Psixodelik 12.08.2020 Closed
9112 rewrite lessons for dark and light theme hexlet-basics/hexlet_basics Psixodelik 05.02.2020 Closed
9113 Rewrite project to TS Hexlet/react-flowbot-ui-kit Wenn911 25.09.2022 Merged
9114 Rewrite test.rb to use powerassert hexlet-basics/exercises-ruby Morozzzko 19.01.2019 Merged
9115 [RFC] add github actions hexlet-basics/exercises-javascript corsicanec82 05.02.2020 Merged
9116 [RFC] add github actions hexlet-basics/exercises-python corsicanec82 05.02.2020 Merged
9117 [RFC]: add github actions hexlet-components/js-immutable-fs-trees corsicanec82 04.02.2020 Merged
9118 [RFC] add github actions & linter hexlet-boilerplates/sicp-racket corsicanec82 07.04.2020 Merged
9119 [RFC] add github actions, remove travis, improve readme hexlet-boilerplates/php-package corsicanec82 14.02.2020 Merged
9120 [RFC] add github actions, test coverage, fix linter errors hexlet-components/projects-frontend-l4-server corsicanec82 14.02.2020 Merged
9121 [RFC] add i18next, ts-check & some fixes hexlet-boilerplates/fastify-nodejs-application corsicanec82 06.12.2019 Merged
9122 [RFC] add php_codesniffer hexlet-components/php-eloquent-blog corsicanec82 07.04.2020 Merged
9123 [RFC] add(workflow, ts-check), update(deps, readme, docs, configuration) hexlet-components/js-trees corsicanec82 25.03.2020 Merged
9124 [RFC] add(workflow, ts-check), update(deps, readme, docs, configuration) hexlet-components/js-html-tags corsicanec82 03.03.2020 Merged
9125 [RFC] add(workflow, ts-check), update(deps, readme, docs, configuration) hexlet-components/js-co corsicanec82 29.03.2020 Merged