Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
9301 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.0.6 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 08.06.2022 Closed
9302 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.2.0 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 16.06.2022 Closed
9303 [Snyk] Upgrade @strapi/plugin-users-permissions from 4.2.3 to 4.3.6 SvetlanaAkaemova/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 18.09.2022 Open
9304 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.1.10 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 29.09.2022 Closed
9305 [Snyk] Fix for 4 vulnerabilities SvetlanaAkaemova/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 12.01.2023 Open
9306 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.3.0 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 28.07.2022 Closed
9307 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.2.3 to 4.5.6 serVmik/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 24.04.2023 Open
9308 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.3.5 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 30.08.2022 Closed
9309 modified README.md hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest so1arin 27.07.2021 Closed
9310 Adds elixir-lang.moscow to the list Hexlet/ru-local-communities sobolevn 16.02.2017 Merged
9311 Adds wemake.services Hexlet/ru-test-assignments sobolevn 13.04.2018 Merged
9312 Using the correct URL for wps hexlet-boilerplates/python-package sobolevn 08.07.2019 Merged
9313 New Quote hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest softwalls 02.12.2020 Closed
9314 Pull request #8070974 Hexlet/osx-project-1 sol1tary 03.11.2012 Open
9315 Add docker builder task hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts solar05 21.08.2021 Merged
9316 Remove npm watch Hexlet/hexlet-sicp solar05 23.04.2020 Merged
9317 Merge pull request #1 from Hexlet/master Hexlet/hexlet-sicp solar05 23.04.2020 Closed
9318 Add logout flash Hexlet/hexlet-sicp solar05 23.04.2020 Merged
9319 Add limit for playbook query hexlet-codebattle/codebattle solar05 25.04.2020 Merged
9320 Bots, bots are everywhere hexlet-codebattle/codebattle solar05 08.05.2020 Merged
9321 Add circle point task hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts solar05 05.07.2020 Merged
9322 Add leap year task hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts solar05 04.07.2020 Merged
9323 Add function max task hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts solar05 06.07.2020 Merged
9324 Add invert-case task hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts solar05 07.07.2020 Merged
9325 Biggest square sum issue hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts solar05 07.07.2020 Merged