Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
9726 fix(45-logic/40-if-else): add info about nested if hexlet-basics/exercises-python zhabinka 02.09.2020 Merged
9727 Fix markdown escape sequence hexlet-basics/exercises-python mihael-stormrage 08.05.2021 Merged
9728 refactor return exercise hexlet-basics/exercises-python ssssank 16.05.2022 Merged
9729 Update description.ru.yml hexlet-basics/exercises-python Charlies-Kvit 11.12.2021 Closed
9730 Update README.md hexlet-basics/exercises-python Charlies-Kvit 11.12.2021 Closed
9731 fix theory logical expression hexlet-basics/exercises-python ssssank 13.05.2022 Merged
9732 correcting a typo hexlet-basics/exercises-python ramilabd 20.05.2019 Merged
9733 fix broken link(35-calling functions/130-stdlib) hexlet-basics/exercises-python Malcom1986 28.04.2021 Merged
9734 add images alts hexlet-basics/exercises-python GPopov9 18.01.2021 Merged
9735 Update test_code.py hexlet-basics/exercises-python sergkot2020 05.05.2022 Merged
9736 Update description.ru.yml hexlet-basics/exercises-python sad-neil 04.05.2022 Closed
9737 remove print_r hexlet-basics/exercises-python burenkov-anton 15.03.2019 Merged
9738 improve loops hexlet-basics/exercises-python zhabinka 08.12.2020 Merged
9739 Update description.ru.yml hexlet-basics/exercises-python dsablin 25.11.2022 Closed
9740 use snake_case in example hexlet-basics/exercises-python burenkov-anton 15.03.2019 Merged
9741 escape characters works in single quotes in python hexlet-basics/exercises-python burenkov-anton 15.03.2019 Merged
9742 Fixed registry, added fail notifications hexlet-basics/exercises-python Melodyn 26.06.2020 Merged
9743 Update description.ru.yml hexlet-basics/exercises-python UzunovD 26.06.2020 Merged
9744 Change description (40/400-environment/) hexlet-basics/exercises-python SergeyChalkov 31.10.2021 Merged
9745 fix concatenation symbol hexlet-basics/exercises-python demshin 09.03.2019 Merged
9746 Fix typos in python course hexlet-basics/exercises-python emp7yhead 30.11.2022 Merged
9747 improve example hexlet-basics/exercises-python emp7yhead 07.02.2023 Merged
9748 Clean up the rendundant BEGIN/END comments, fix a couple of notes hexlet-basics/exercises-python astynax 27.02.2019 Merged
9749 Add the '35-calling-function' module hexlet-basics/exercises-python h2kb 24.02.2019 Closed
9750 опечатка строка 26 (лишняя скобка) hexlet-basics/exercises-python mas-lina 11.11.2020 Merged