Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
10851 add pagination hexlet-boilerplates/jekyll-bootstrap4-docker greybutton 26.02.2018 Merged
10852 patch Hexlet/patterns igor-i 26.02.2018 Closed
10853 Fixed wrong $expected hexlet-basics/exercises-php LeusMaximus 23.02.2018 Closed
10854 Feature/solution tab hexlet-basics/hexlet_basics CatcherITGF 21.02.2018 Merged
10855 Rename sendEditorData to sendEditorText hexlet-codebattle/codebattle artofhuman 19.02.2018 Merged
10856 Test issue/189 hexlet-codebattle/codebattle kaldown 19.02.2018 Merged
10857 Fix languages uploading for project setup hexlet-codebattle/codebattle imamatory 18.02.2018 Merged
10858 add links prev and next post hexlet-boilerplates/jekyll-bootstrap4-docker greybutton 15.02.2018 Merged
10859 Fix postgres incompatibiliti and path for js bundle hexlet-codebattle/codebattle imamatory 13.02.2018 Merged
10860 Add deploy with docker containers hexlet-codebattle/codebattle vtm9 12.02.2018 Merged
10861 Update composer.json hexlet-boilerplates/php-package ravilushqa 11.02.2018 Merged
10862 Update Makefile hexlet-boilerplates/php-package ravilushqa 11.02.2018 Merged
10863 typo: word duplication Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io dosbol 09.02.2018 Merged
10864 Исходный текст + правки формул hexlet-basics/exercises-php Melodyn 05.02.2018 Closed
10865 Minsk Hexlet/ru-local-communities akinshau 03.02.2018 Merged
10866 frontend community of Belarus is added Hexlet/ru-local-communities akinshau 03.02.2018 Merged
10867 Add Krasnodar Hexlet/ru-local-communities v1z 02.02.2018 Merged
10868 Update all existed empty tips and definitions to [] hexlet-basics/hexlet_basics devality 01.02.2018 Merged
10869 vagrant path Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io Melodyn 01.02.2018 Merged
10870 Конвертер валют hexlet-basics/exercises-php Melodyn 01.02.2018 Merged
10871 Fix link to 12factor.net Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io senzpo 31.01.2018 Merged
10872 Add font-awesome hexlet-codebattle/codebattle vtm9 31.01.2018 Merged
10873 fix broken badges hexlet-boilerplates/nodejs-package Laniman 31.01.2018 Merged
10874 Update .travis.yml hexlet-boilerplates/php-package ravilushqa 31.01.2018 Merged
10875 update .travis.yml hexlet-boilerplates/nodejs-package Laniman 31.01.2018 Merged