Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
11301 Add lesson member hexlet-basics/hexlet-basics artemrakov 09.07.2020 Merged
11302 Added the ability to rename a snippet hexlet-rus/runit artem-mar 12.11.2022 Merged
11303 Issue #84 Hexlet/hexlet-comparator artem-mar 22.07.2022 Merged
11304 Added ability to edit profile hexlet-rus/runit artem-mar 14.12.2022 Merged
11305 Change name field hexlet-rus/runit artem-mar 03.11.2022 Merged
11306 fix by Escanor hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest ArtemKurin 02.04.2021 Closed
11307 folk wisdom about regular expressions added hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest ArtemKorneyasev 14.06.2021 Closed
11308 Добавил несколько новых ответов Hexlet/ru-manual-testing-questions-interview artemkhtrn 26.05.2023 Merged
11309 fix Application.middleware nodosjs/nodos artem-burlakov-ext-orion 08.03.2021 Closed
11310 fix Response.render nodosjs/nodos artem-burlakov-ext-orion 08.03.2021 Open
11311 fix method render in class Response nodosjs/nodos artem-burlakov-ext-orion 03.02.2021 Closed
11312 fix Application.addMiddleware nodosjs/nodos artem-burlakov-ext-orion 08.03.2021 Open
11313 Fix response render nodosjs/nodos artem-burlakov-ext-orion 08.03.2021 Closed
11314 fix render in class Response nodosjs/nodos artem-burlakov-ext-orion 03.02.2021 Closed
11315 fix Application.addMiddleware nodosjs/nodos artem-burlakov-ext-orion 08.03.2021 Closed
11316 Pull request #8272618 Hexlet/osx-project-1 artemati 11.11.2012 Open
11317 Pull request #8926345 Hexlet/osx-project-2 artemati 02.12.2012 Open
11318 Pull request #9504516 Hexlet/osx-project-3 artemati 24.12.2012 Open
11319 Pull request #8247060 Hexlet/osx-project-1 artemaminov 09.11.2012 Open
11320 add line to README.md hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest arteemmius 29.05.2021 Closed
11321 Delete CSSSR tasks Hexlet/ru-test-assignments Arteandr 16.09.2022 Merged
11322 Update breadcrumbs formation Hexlet/hexlet-comparator artch3r 27.04.2023 Closed
11323 add breadcrumbs translation Hexlet/hexlet-comparator artch3r 04.05.2023 Closed
11324 add breadcrumbs translation Hexlet/hexlet-comparator artch3r 04.05.2023 Merged
11325 Update Hexlet community info and link from Slack to Telegram in CONTR… hexlet-codebattle/codebattle artch3r 25.04.2023 Merged