Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
10876 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.1.10 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 29.09.2022 Closed
10877 Add codesignal Hexlet/interactive-courses NikitaNaumenko 01.10.2020 Closed
10878 Change the logo in the header hexlet-rus/runit acidmaksim 10.11.2022 Closed
10879 Добавить предупредительные сообщения на ошибки hexlet-rus/runit acidmaksim 10.11.2022 Closed
10880 Delete "burger" menu in about, sign in, sign up pages hexlet-rus/runit acidmaksim 10.11.2022 Closed
10881 Make a unified style in the project hexlet-rus/runit acidmaksim 10.11.2022 Closed
10882 fix run command with crudini Hexlet/hexlet-common-images corsicanec82 19.05.2021 Closed
10883 Make adaptive landing hexlet-rus/runit acidmaksim 10.11.2022 Closed
10884 fix description of difference between curly braces and do..end blocks hexlet-basics/exercises-ruby alex-solovyev 15.12.2021 Closed
10885 fix icon hexlet-codebattle/battle_chrome_extension MrPhantomT 30.09.2015 Closed
10886 Add the ability to rename a snippet hexlet-rus/runit acidmaksim 10.11.2022 Closed
10887 update README.md hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest MaxEgorov01 18.05.2021 Closed
10888 new talk added hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest Dvate 18.05.2021 Closed
10889 Check translations in the project hexlet-rus/runit acidmaksim 10.11.2022 Closed
10890 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.3.5 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 30.08.2022 Closed
10891 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.3.0 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 28.07.2022 Closed
10892 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.2.0 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 16.06.2022 Closed
10893 [Snyk] Security upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.0.6 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 08.06.2022 Closed
10894 [Snyk] Upgrade @strapi/strapi from 4.0.2 to 4.1.9 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app DzmitrySha 29.05.2022 Closed
10895 Update README.md hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest DiBDV 19.05.2021 Closed
10896 [Snyk] Upgrade @strapi/plugin-users-permissions from 4.0.2 to 4.0.7 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 27.02.2022 Closed
10897 обновил Future и Xored Hexlet/ru-test-assignments AABur 15.06.2022 Closed
10898 [Snyk] Upgrade @strapi/plugin-i18n from 4.0.2 to 4.0.7 DzmitrySha/hexlet-ci-app snyk-bot 27.02.2022 Closed
10899 add base structure Hexlet/phpstan-functional-programming fey 02.10.2020 Closed
10900 Fix snippets links hexlet-rus/runit AnastasiaKv 30.01.2023 Closed