Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
9051 fix links hexlet-basics/exercises-php rkozlov95 30.03.2020 Merged
9052 add images alts hexlet-basics/exercises-php GPopov9 18.01.2021 Merged
9053 Use Russian translation in links to the PHP manual hexlet-basics/exercises-php lex111 14.12.2018 Merged
9054 rework exercises hexlet-basics/exercises-php Malcom1986 15.04.2022 Merged
9055 Update description.ru.yml hexlet-basics/exercises-php anton21m 23.12.2019 Closed
9056 fix(40-define-functions/340-default-arguments):improve test hexlet-basics/exercises-php Malcom1986 18.01.2021 Merged
9057 вывод дела по отцу, а не матери hexlet-basics/exercises-php Rinaldini 30.07.2021 Closed
9058 fix typo hexlet-basics/exercises-php chrtkv 07.02.2022 Merged
9059 improve output example hexlet-basics/exercises-php Malcom1986 07.07.2021 Merged
9060 fix #34 test and descriptions hexlet-basics/exercises-php mashkovtsev 09.12.2018 Merged
9061 Seo changes hexlet-basics/exercises-php Malcom1986 23.06.2021 Merged
9062 impove solution hexlet-basics/exercises-php Malcom1986 10.02.2021 Merged
9063 Compliance with PSR formats and fix few typos hexlet-basics/exercises-php mashkovtsev 06.12.2018 Merged
9064 Update description.ru.yml hexlet-basics/exercises-php Maksim-Kvashnin 17.02.2021 Merged
9065 Mikhalovich hexlet-basics/exercises-php mikhalovich 04.12.2018 Merged
9066 Remove invalid const declaration inside function hexlet-basics/exercises-php mashkovtsev 03.12.2018 Merged
9067 fix punctuation hexlet-basics/exercises-php UniBreakfast 14.03.2021 Merged
9068 fix typo hexlet-basics/exercises-php ssssank 29.04.2022 Merged
9069 Mikhalovich. Text edit hexlet-basics/exercises-php mikhalovich 30.11.2018 Merged
9070 add lesson (20-arithmetics/45-linting) hexlet-basics/exercises-php alekgit 18.09.2018 Merged
9071 fix.typos — reading-documentation hexlet-basics/exercises-php Svet-Svet 24.02.2021 Merged
9072 fix.typos — environment hexlet-basics/exercises-php Svet-Svet 24.02.2021 Merged
9073 Update description.ru.yml hexlet-basics/exercises-php DDBull 04.10.2020 Merged
9074 fix(45-logic/50-else-if): correct condition order hexlet-basics/exercises-php zhabinka 21.04.2020 Closed
9075 fix typo hexlet-basics/exercises-php valeriySeregin 05.10.2020 Merged