Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
9276 Update 60-structural-typing description hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript vladikKir 19.02.2023 Merged
9277 Update 70-variability description hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript vladikKir 20.02.2023 Merged
9278 Improve lessons hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript fey 14.11.2022 Merged
9279 remove unused code hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript Guryanov-Maksim 17.11.2022 Merged
9280 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 17.11.2022 Merged
9281 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 18.11.2022 Merged
9282 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 21.11.2022 Merged
9283 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 23.11.2022 Merged
9284 fix punctuation hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript feot 24.11.2022 Merged
9285 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 29.11.2022 Merged
9286 improve exercise destructuring hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript fey 01.12.2022 Merged
9287 Update generic-types lesson hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript tysky 28.01.2023 Merged
9288 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 07.12.2022 Merged
9289 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 01.12.2022 Merged
9290 add hexlet article about types in Typescript hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript ola-9 07.12.2022 Merged
9291 Improve union types hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript fey 04.12.2022 Closed
9292 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 05.12.2022 Merged
9293 add task for intersection types lesson hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript Max-ghub 27.01.2023 Closed
9294 fix description of nullable lesson hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript Max-ghub 26.01.2023 Merged
9295 added a missing space hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript tigp 08.12.2022 Merged
9296 Add return type hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript vadimfilimonov 08.12.2022 Closed
9297 fix of the description spelling error hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript Max-ghub 25.01.2023 Merged
9298 fix non-destructured object variables hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript txmrv 10.12.2022 Merged
9299 Fix missing words and syntax in TS texts hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript antonDedyaev 24.01.2023 Merged
9300 fix typos hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript teratron-git 13.12.2022 Merged