Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
12351 QA meetups tg chat Hexlet/ru-local-communities lrayne 22.04.2024 Merged
12352 Fix type error in logging Hexlet/hexlet-friends Abdujabbar 23.04.2024 Merged
12353 fixed html extension when making new snippet hexlet-rus/runit bobrov-site 23.04.2024 Merged
12354 typo corrected hexlet-basics/exercises-clojure Mirsait 23.04.2024 Merged
12355 Fixed faq section on landing hexlet-rus/runit bobrov-site 23.04.2024 Merged
12356 Update for node hexlet-components/js-fastify-blog fey 23.04.2024 Merged
12357 [#243] Add required to input for label email Hexlet/hexlet-correction kitdim 24.04.2024 Merged
12358 Update widget's typo selection appearance Hexlet/hexlet-correction bazilval 26.04.2024 Merged
12359 fix bootstrap styles scss hexlet-rus/runit bobrov-site 27.04.2024 Closed
12360 add scroll to dropdown issue #1802 hexlet-codebattle/codebattle MaratSalakh 27.04.2024 Merged
12361 [fundraiseup] Page not found Hexlet/ru-test-assignments ViRT1ST 27.04.2024 Merged
12362 [#248] FIX index.js Hexlet/hexlet-correction GrandVandal 28.04.2024 Merged
12363 Fix bootstrap style hexlet-rus/runit bobrov-site 28.04.2024 Merged
12364 [#251] Add the style block for class="btn-group" and add the margin on 5px. Hexlet/hexlet-correction kitdim 29.04.2024 Merged
12365 [#245] Fix reverse selection bug Hexlet/hexlet-correction bazilval 29.04.2024 Merged
12366 Update function, make more beautiful hexlet-basics/exercises-clojure Mirsait 29.04.2024 Merged
12367 Fix#251 Hexlet/hexlet-correction kitdim 29.04.2024 Closed
12368 [#255] Strip out unnecessary elements from the page Hexlet/hexlet-correction kitdim 29.04.2024 Open
12369 [#654] correction of errors in the text Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io DimRux 02.05.2024 Merged
12370 fix typo hexlet-basics/exercises-cpp ola-9 03.05.2024 Merged
12371 fix unoptimize query Hexlet/hexlet-cv usernaimandrey 04.05.2024 Open
12372 add sort from vacansies Hexlet/hexlet-cv usernaimandrey 04.05.2024 Open
12373 Add 35-mapping-modifiers hexlet-basics/exercises-typescript someden 05.05.2024 Open
12374 Close #476 hexlet-rus/runit bobronaud 05.05.2024 Open
12375 ci: setup, test, lint hexlet-components/hexlet-ci-app janttaxan 05.05.2024 Closed