Pull requests

# Title Repository Author Creation date Status
101 #180 Totals board: comparison with other users, their activity in the last week, etc. Hexlet/hexlet-friends sch0nik 23.11.2022 Closed
102 [#181] fix workspace cards height Hexlet/hexlet-correction asenka0301 20.07.2023 Merged
103 [#183] fix incorrect email field feedback bug hexlet-rus/runit MikRyam 03.02.2023 Merged
104 [#187] video commit message Hexlet/hexlet-cv greybutton 23.08.2020 Merged
105 [#188] refresh python test-assigments Hexlet/ru-test-assignments DmGorokhov 11.09.2023 Merged
106 #18 Replace brunch with webpack3 hexlet-codebattle/codebattle lazycoder9 27.07.2017 Merged
107 #197 Add @Email annotation parameters to prevent invalid email Hexlet/hexlet-correction kudrDaniel 01.09.2023 Merged
108 [#197] fix resumes sort Hexlet/hexlet-cv fey 17.10.2021 Merged
109 19 add check notification display option hexlet-codebattle/chrome_extension VladimirAfanasievFS 03.10.2020 Merged
110 19-naming-style: fix approach count hexlet-basics/exercises-javascript amavrin 27.08.2022 Merged
111 19 What is a variable hexlet-basics/exercises-javascript mikhaylov-ya 21.03.2022 Merged
112 [#19] Валидация названия тасков и списков при создании hexlet-components/react-todo-app-with-backend AlexandrKoliukh 05.05.2021 Closed
113 [#19] Валидация названия тасков и списков при создании hexlet-components/react-todo-app-with-backend AlexandrKoliukh 05.05.2021 Merged
114 [#1] added linter hexlet-components/react-app-example Nesaq 20.07.2022 Merged
115 [#1] added linter, jest deps, small code style fixes hexlet-components/project-js-chat-backend Nesaq 05.07.2022 Merged
116 1 CPU vs Multiple-CPU test environment? binakot/Abstract-Rest-Service-Benchmark binakot 17.03.2018 Open
117 1 module en after native hexlet-basics/exercises-css NatalieKonstantinova 12.05.2022 Merged
118 1 module native en hexlet-basics/exercises-html NatalieKonstantinova 25.04.2022 Merged
119 [#1] removed "get()", except for the "get_children()" function hexlet-components/python-immutable-fs-trees ramilabd 20.11.2020 Closed
120 +1 цитата hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest AleksVedenyev 10.12.2020 Closed
121 2021-03-29 hexlet-components/ru-my-first-pullrequest olgapavlova 29.03.2021 Closed
122 2022-03-22-how-to-search-en.md Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io AlmDea 22.03.2022 Merged
123 2022-03-23-version_managers-en.md Hexlet/hexletguides.github.io AlmDea 23.03.2022 Closed
124 20, 30 lessons hexlet-basics/exercises-prolog CrissNamon 02.12.2021 Merged
125 [#203] fix localization Hexlet/hexlet-friends seregad544 17.11.2022 Merged