
has-pr Priority: Normal feature request front-end type: tech duplicate wontfix Priority-Medium auto tests tools sentry high_priority Type-Defect guide need_help NextJS on hold to research Priority: Low content bootstrap backend medium translation good first issue bootstrap5 SEO question auto-migrated refactoring Priority: High invalid layout test backend_required documentation bug docker Hard hacktoberfest react-editor easy DA ruby task good_first_issue qa enhancement help wanted wiki tech improvement frontend hacktoberfest-accepted seo php liveView on wait Hacktoberfest feature enhancement-proposal
Title Repository Programming languages Author Creation date Issue labels
rating/index Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 26.06.2021 good first issue frontend bootstrap5
rating/progress Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 26.06.2021 good first issue frontend bootstrap5
Reduce the appearance time of the tooltip on the achievement Hexlet/hexlet-friends Python acidmaksim 28.12.2022 good first issue feature request
Replace awesome font with bs5 icons Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 28.06.2021 good first issue bootstrap5
SEO Tasks Hexlet/ SCSS acidmaksim 16.11.2022 enhancement help wanted
SEO ошибки Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP MityaDementiy 02.12.2019 help wanted good first issue frontend hacktoberfest SEO
set-cdr!: unbound identifier (не импортируется sicp) Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP burenkov-anton 27.08.2022 bug help wanted hacktoberfest
settings/account/index Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 26.06.2021 good first issue frontend bootstrap5
settings/profile/index Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 26.06.2021 good first issue frontend bootstrap5
Set up a redirect Hexlet/hexlet-cv Ruby acidmaksim 17.10.2022 enhancement help wanted good first issue hacktoberfest-accepted Priority: High
solution/index Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 26.06.2021 good first issue frontend bootstrap5
solution/show Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 26.06.2021 good first issue frontend bootstrap5
The hexlet-rus page does not open Hexlet/hexlet-friends Python acidmaksim 02.02.2023 bug help wanted
user/show Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 26.06.2021 good first issue frontend bootstrap5
welcome Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 26.06.2021 good first issue frontend bootstrap5
When you change the content is not rebuild the main page (index.html) Hexlet/ SCSS fey 06.04.2022 help wanted
Вынети интеграционные тесты в отдельный подпроект Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java zxvfc 22.02.2022 enhancement Priority: Low
Выпадающее меню "Выберите курс" не помещается в 1080p высоту hexlet-basics/hexlet-basics Ruby ashikov 24.08.2022 bug help wanted
Вычитать описание на главной странице (ru, en) Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP zhabinka 12.12.2019 help wanted good first issue
Добавить checkstyle Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java zxvfc 21.02.2022 enhancement Priority: Low
Добавить возможность набора текста в выборе из списка для сравнения вклада участников Hexlet/hexlet-friends Python Shvidunov 02.08.2023 feature request on hold
Добавить возможность приглашать в вокспейсы Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java fey 17.02.2022 enhancement Priority: Low
Добавить возможность сортировать\структурировать снипеты по папкам hexlet-rus/runit JavaScript Fessan 11.03.2023 feature request
Добавить возможность удаления резюме Hexlet/hexlet-cv Ruby Shvidunov 13.06.2023 feature request
Добавить в шапку на главной ссылку на редактор hexlet-rus/runit JavaScript Fessan 11.03.2023 feature request