
has-pr Priority: Normal feature request front-end type: tech duplicate wontfix Priority-Medium auto tests tools sentry high_priority Type-Defect guide need_help NextJS on hold to research Priority: Low content bootstrap backend medium translation good first issue bootstrap5 SEO question auto-migrated refactoring Priority: High invalid layout test backend_required documentation bug docker Hard hacktoberfest react-editor easy DA ruby task good_first_issue qa enhancement help wanted wiki tech improvement frontend hacktoberfest-accepted seo php liveView on wait Hacktoberfest feature enhancement-proposal
Title Repository Programming languages Author Creation date Issue labels
Add different roles with rights Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java acidmaksim 23.08.2022 enhancement help wanted Priority: Low
Adds a link to the site Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java acidmaksim 23.08.2022 good first issue Priority: Low
Add Testing documentation Hexlet/hexlet-friends Python fey 05.04.2023 task good first issue question qa
Cover the test project hexlet-rus/runit JavaScript acidmaksim 17.11.2022 good first issue help wanted Priority: Normal
Dashboard by person. Make it so that it can be attached to a CV on a Hexlet CV profile Hexlet/hexlet-friends Python acidmaksim 26.07.2022 invalid
Exercise typing Hexlet/hexlet-sicp PHP fey 11.03.2021 content
Fix argument generators hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts Clojure v-kolesnikov 15.02.2016 refactoring has-pr
Fix or refactor disabled tasks hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts Clojure solar05 13.09.2021 enhancement refactoring
Fix the alignment of blocks in the resume list Hexlet/hexlet-cv Ruby chrtkv 04.02.2022 good first issue invalid
Incosistent aliases usage hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts Clojure solar05 25.02.2023 enhancement refactoring
Make a React frontend Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java acidmaksim 23.08.2022 frontend Priority: Low
Migrate to deps.edn hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts Clojure solar05 24.07.2021 enhancement refactoring
Month names are in the genitive case Hexlet/hexlet-cv Ruby antlu 21.01.2020 good first issue invalid
Refactoring hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts Clojure v-kolesnikov 15.02.2016 refactoring
Refactor type function in tests hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts Clojure solar05 15.08.2021 enhancement refactoring
Seo: fix duplicated descriptions Hexlet/ SCSS fey 16.01.2023 on wait seo
Set technologies alphabetically Hexlet/hexlet-cv Ruby acidmaksim 15.09.2022 good first issue invalid ruby
Tests refactoring hexlet-codebattle/battle_asserts Clojure solar05 13.07.2021 enhancement refactoring
Update screenshots of schools Hexlet/hexlet-comparator JavaScript elisad5791 30.05.2022 good first issue invalid
Update user activity by hooks Hexlet/hexlet-friends Python acidmaksim 26.07.2022 invalid
Вынети интеграционные тесты в отдельный подпроект Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java zxvfc 22.02.2022 enhancement Priority: Low
Дать возможность гостям пользоваться редактором и сохранять сниппеты hexlet-rus/runit JavaScript ssssank 15.05.2023 task frontend backend Priority: Normal
Добавить checkstyle Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java zxvfc 21.02.2022 enhancement Priority: Low
Добавить возможность приглашать в вокспейсы Hexlet/hexlet-correction Java fey 17.02.2022 enhancement Priority: Low
Задача split_names не проходит проверку тестами hexlet-codebattle/codebattle Elixir, C++ LarendsD 14.09.2022 invalid help wanted